
Meditation and Breathwork

40 Minute class

Join Yoga Instructor Char Shaffer on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm EST for a virtual lesson in Meditation and Breathwork. Each month will focus on a new experience, including deepening awareness of your breathing, box breathing, 3-part breath, breath of fire and more. From the comfort and privacy of your home, you will be able to expand your knowledge and practice of these essential tools for reduction of stress and anxiety symptoms.

This guided practice on Meditation and Breathwork can provide a solid base for your ongoing practice between classes.

$20 per person

Please fill out both registration and release forms


40 Minute class

Join Therapist Denise Verchimak for a group visualization experience on the third Tuesday of each month at 7pm EST. Visualization is a powerful tool for stress and anxiety reduction. In this transformative experience, you will use visualization to unlock the power of your mind – body connection. Each month will focus on a new experience to include visualization for stress relief, increased connections, focus, social anxieties and healthy bodies.

This guided practice on Visualization can provide a solid base for your ongoing practice between classes.

$20 per person

Please fill out both registration and release forms

Yoga – Individual Instruction

45 Minute Class

Join Yoga Instructor Char Shaffer for individual yoga instruction. Char is committed to making yoga accessible to everyone, regardless of age, shape, physical limitations, or ability level. The focus of these sessions will be individualized to your ability level. Basic poses and how to use those as an entry point to nurturing body, mind, and spirit will be explored in the sessions to allow you to create an ongoing routine of wellness and healthy mind – body connections.

$50 for one person

($10 per additional person, up to 4 total participants)

package of 5 lessons for $220.

Register Now!

Wellness in the Workplace

Therapist Denise Verchimak will design a program to meet the needs of your workforce. From using stress relieving techniques of breathing and visualization to facilitation of discussions on promoting emotional well being in the workplace, these programs can be tailored to your goals. We know that employees and managers alike are struggling with the new normal in the workplace.

  • 21% of Americans have a high mental health risk, 42% have a moderate mental health risk, and 38% have a low mental health risk

  • Anxiety, isolation, and work productivity continue to be the lowest mental health sub-scores

  • The mental health score of managers is higher than the score of non-managers and the national average

*The mental health index – United States of America – January 2023 

Therapist Denise Verchimak is an experienced manager, team builder and licensed professional counselor who will design a program to provide effective strategies to deal with this increased stress in the workplace. Examples include:

  • Emotional Regulation at Work – How to Truly Achieve Balance

  • Enneagram – Understanding the Different Style of Our Co-workers

  • How to Build Strong Teams and Support Employees Positive Mental Health

  • Effective Leadership in a Changing Environment

Cost - Varies

Contact me for more information!